Lanette Sweeney's debut collection, What I Should Have Said: A Poetry Memoir About Losing A Child to Addiction, was published by Finishing Line Press in August, 2021. Sweeney is grateful the book is allowing her to share two messages: first, medication-assisted treatment saves addicts’ lives and should not be stigmatized, and second, a life rich with joy and meaning is (eventually) possible after even the most devastating loss.
essays, articles, short stories and poems have appeared in daily newspapers, print
and online literary magazines (including Rattle,
Amethyst Review, Gyroscope, Tigershark, Blue Collar Review, Please
See Me, Foliate Oak Review, and Misfit Magazine), as well as in anthologies (including Prima Materia, Silkworm, and the Center for New
Americans annual review), and in textbooks, including several editions of the popular college-level women’s
studies textbook Women: Images and
Reality published by McGraw Hill. Her essays, blog posts and book reviews can be seen on her website,
After working as a fundraiser, teacher, waitress, reporter, editor, and non-profit executive, Sweeney is grateful to now be a full-time writer thanks to her wife's support. She and her wife and their small-pet army (which consists of a dog, cat, kitten, and puppy) live in South Hadley, MA, in the house where their wedding was held 16 days before Sweeney's son overdosed. Sweeney has one surviving child, a daughter, 29, who is a teacher.
What I Should Have Said: A Poetry Memoir about Losing a Child to Addiction recounts a mother's grief, guilt, sorrow, and search for meaning after her 26-year-old son's death by overdose. The book is divided into the stages of grief, with sections on denial and depression, anger, bargaining and, eventually, acceptance. Sweeney's son's poems appear throughout the collection, often in seeming conversation with his grieving mother's words. The author hopes the book demonstrates that even the most devastating grief can result in post-traumatic growth and that medication-assisted treatment saves lives and should not be stigmatized.
Both poets and laypeople have given the book excellent reviews, calling the poems "beautifully crafted" and "poignant." Multiple reviewers noted that once they started the book, they couldn't put it down. The president of Bereaved Parents of the USA said "every grieving parent will relate" to the book and noted it helped her process her own grief about her son's death. The book can be ordered from local bookstores, Amazon, or
OCTOBER 10, 2021
CONTACT: Lanette Sweeney, (845) 527-6616,
Hadley, MA, USA – Following the nation’s worst year ever for overdose deaths, a
timely new poetry collection, What I
Should Have Said: A Poetry Memoir about Losing a Child to Addiction, aims
to bring comfort and encouragement to addicts and their families. The author, along with another mother and author who lost her child to addiction, will be reading from their books in a virtual event hosted by the Odyssey Bookshop on Thursday, Nov. 4th at 7 p.m. You can register for that reading here.
Sweeney’s debut collection describes the pain of watching her son suffer with
addiction as well as her enormous grief and guilt following his overdose death
in 2016. Fortunately, the book also offers hope to families suffering a similar
loss or struggling with a child still in active addiction, as Sweeney lyrically
recounts her journey toward post-traumatic growth and grief recovery, as well
as what she’s learned can save addicts’ lives.
“I have two messages I’m eager to share with
this book,” says Sweeney: “first, that most addicts need medicine to keep them
alive, so taking medicines like Methadone and Suboxone should not be shameful;
and second, that it is possible to restore peace and joy to your life after even
the most devastating loss.”
What I Should Have
was released last month by Kentucky-based publisher Finishing Line Press. The
book is organized into sections on the stages of grief and includes 20 poems by
Sweeney’s late son, Kyle Fisher-Hertz, showing his move from the innocence of
childhood to the eventual despair of his addiction.
son wanted to get better,” Sweeney recalls. “He attended every recovery program
he could get into. But then he turned 26, my insurance didn’t cover him
anymore, and the Medicaid insurance he got as a replacement didn’t cover the
monthly shot that had helped him stay clean.”
son spent the week before his death pleading for help from the only recovery clinic in the state where he was then living, Nevada, but he was
refused the drug he requested, Vivitrol, which is a monthly shot that blocks
opioid receptors and reduces cravings. (A desperate addict’s quest to stay
clean long enough to get the shot is depicted in the new film Four Good Days, starring Glenn Close and
Mila Kunis.) At the time of Fisher-Hertz’s death nearly five years ago,
Medicaid in 29 states didn’t cover that medicine, whose generic name is
Naltrexone–and Fisher-Hertz, like many addicts, was reluctant to take Methadone
or Suboxone, the maintenance drugs he was offered. Instead, he died of an
overdose of street drugs three days later–less than three months after turning
26 and losing his mother’s private insurance.
foolishly didn’t think he should take maintenance drugs, either.” Sweeney says.
“When he called me to say he was thinking about taking one because he didn’t
know what else to do, I stayed silent, and he knew I didn’t approve. When he
died three days later, I knew I had discouraged him from taking the one thing
that might have saved his life, and my guilt was devastating. I wish I’d known
when he was alive that he had a terminal disease that needed medicine to treat
LeslĂ©a Newman, author or editor of more than 70 books, calls Sweeney’s poems “poignant” and “beautifully crafted.” She
says she “read this collection straight through with [her] heart in [her]
throat” and adds: “Reader, prepare yourself: once you start reading What I Should Have Said, you won’t want
to stop.”
for the book comes from outside the poetry world, as well. The president of the
board of Bereaved Parents of the USA, Kathy
Corrigan, lost two sons and says “Every grieving parent will relate” to the
feelings expressed by Sweeney in this “deeply moving” and “honest” work.
Reading the collection, Corrigan says, helped her process the grief she felt
over losing her second son, who died two years ago from alcohol addiction.
Corrigan said she appreciates that the collection “sheds light on the darkness
and stigma attached to the disease of addiction and [reminds] us that our
children were/are so much more than their addiction[s].”
U.S. had been starting to turn the tide on overdose deaths in 2019, but then the
pandemic arrived, causing isolation, 12-step meeting cancellations, the
slashing of addiction treatment programs, new economic stresses, and fresh
grief. As a result, the monthly overdose
death rate shot up 50 percent in the early months of the pandemic, to more than
9,000 deaths a month; prior to 2020, U.S. monthly overdose deaths had never risen
above 6,300.
annual overdose death rate also rose to heartbreaking new heights last year;
the CDC anticipates that when the final numbers are in, more than 90,000
individuals will have died of an overdose in 2020 (80 percent from opioid
overdose) – up from about 70,000 the previous year.
Sweeney’s book can be ordered directly from the author or from local bookstores or or Amazon or from the publisher at Sweeney is available to do readings from her book and take part in panels or Q&As via Zoom or other event platforms at schools, bookstores, libraries, recovery programs, harm-reduction centers, and any other venue interested in hearing her story and words of encouragement. For more information or a review copy of the book, contact Lanette Sweeney directly at or on her website
* * *
for Statistics: citing CDC statistics United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime.

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