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My wife loves setting goals; she inspired me to set more of my own for the new year--which we celebrated last night by playing Jackbox games with friends on Zoom. |
My favorite of the books I read was twenty years
old but seemed highly relevant to this moment in our world: Writing As
a Way of Healing: How Telling Our Stories Transforms Our Lives by
Louise DeSalvo. The author, extensively quoting research by James Pennebaker on
how much better people feel if they develop a practice of writing about their
emotions, reminded me that if I commit this year to write just five
pages a week, I will wind up with more than 250 pages by the end of the year,
enough to constitute a small book. I have determined to set and keep that
writing goal, even if each week’s five pages aren’t going to add up to
anything, let alone a book. Five pages of journal entries, poems, letters to
friends, blog posts, parts of a short story--all the pages I write will count.
And I will hope to devote at least 30 minutes to writing six days out of seven;
four days a week I already have writing dates with accountability buddies,
which helps ensure I write for two or three hours at a stretch for more than
half the days.
DeSalvo quotes May Sarton’s Journal
of Solitude to encourage us to reap the benefits of steady writing:
“We write not to create works of art,, but to build character, develop
integrity, discipline, judgment, balance, order, restraint, and other valued
inner attributes. …We develop self-mastery, which contributes to our emotional
and spiritual growth.”
In other words, setting a goal to write five
pages a week and keeping that goal will make me feel good about myself. Meeting
any goal will enhance my belief in myself. “Seeing ourselves stick with a
writing process is transformative,” DeSalvo promises, and I believe her.
This in mind, I’ve created my first bullet
journal and set myself daily goals to write, floss, do yoga, and drink 64 ounces of
water, and I’ve set myself the weekly goals of one-hour devoted to card and letter-writing and one hour devoted to
submitting my work for publication.
I’ve also committed to scroll less--to take a
book with me into the bathroom instead of my phone, for one thing, to take Facebook
off my phone, for another. I can’t make myself give up Facebook entirely (at
least not yet) as this month I’ve made a 30-day poetry commitment with an
online group, Dive Into Poetry, which requires us to share our poems on that
platform. And there's a Facebook page I love for women and non-binary
poets that sets a 100-rejections-a-year goal to help us keep our sense of humor
about the odds against having our poetry accepted anywhere.
In one of the most important commitments I've
made to reclaim my time for a life of the mind, I've committed to giving up the
use of Buy Nothing, a Facebook page through which I give and receive free items
such as books, shoes, clothing and home furnishings. I have obtained many, many items
in my home, hundreds of items that I cherish, from fellow members of this
group. I have brought meals to sick members, made pick-ups and drop-offs for
those with no cars, given away rather than sold anything of mine that no longer
serves us, made several friends in my community through our shared use of the
site. But mainly I have acquired material objects and taken to compulsively
scrolling the Buy Nothing page to ensure I see an object being given away as
soon as it's posted, as quicker respondents get the most gifts. But
I already have more than enough material items; I could die without ever
acquiring another non-edible item and still live a full, happy life. Continuing
to acquire things will not make me happy. And therefore, I must recognize my
Buy-Nothing compulsion as just an addictive distraction and give it up to do
more of what I know will feed my soul,
In my previous post, I made a resolution, which I
thought would be my only one, to give up my self-pity about my granddaughter,
who hasn’t been allowed to see me nor anyone in my dead son’s family since February
of 2019, Just putting that resolution in writing made me feel it was already
accomplished. I have accepted and released Maggie and her future to the
universe, though I still hope someday she’ll find me. I accept that there’s
nothing I can do anymore to hurry this process nor pressure Maggie’s mother
into letting Maggie know us, so I am happy to turn my energy to things more
within my control-- like writing five pages a day. Avoiding wallowing in self-pity
will require me to focus my energy on other matters, which, along with my wife's excited love of goals, is part of what
prompted me to make these additional resolutions. And here, today, are pages one and two of this week's five pages – which means I’m already 40% done with my top goal for the week. Not bad for day
What do you hope to get done in 2021? I'd love to hear your goals in the comments. Happy 2021, everyone!
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